Friday, November 26, 2010

Mary Reynolds not all things unionbay anymore

This is copied direct from allthingsunionbay
Finally the shit has stopped flowing
I still want my $100.00 bucks

I hereby retract all and specifically from 2007 to the present, all publications and displays regarding Alan de Jersey, David Godfrey, Denis Royer, David McDowell, James Smith, Debora McMahon also known as Debbie Prowse, Brenda Fisher, Gloria Royer and the Board of Trustees of the Union Bay Improvement District:,

and I will publish no further communication concerning them. I will display this retraction from today's date for 12 months at which time this web site "All things Union Bay" ( will be closed.

I have been sued in Supreme Court concerning this web site's contents and the aforesaid individuals and I can not afford to be involved in on-going litigation.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mary Reynolds is the Coward

Mary Reynolds of Unionbay is a COWARD, cheat and a liar. She posts on her very one sided blogsite " allthingsunionbay".
Recently she has caught my attention with some stupid insane ramblings about Alan Dejersey and others at the UBID. A very nicely written letter to her was posted on her blog ( not by me) but, it was edited so much is was not even close to the original. I saw the original version at some point and got involved.I started with a Comment to her blog site about her age and a particular body part of hers. I signed it anonymous just because it was easy. I followed with several more comments on different days, all from the same computer and therefore same ip address. I do have the ability to hide/change my ip but why bother as I signed my name to the additional comments. Well she blew like a Newfoundland whale. she was determined to find the author of the obscene comment and started tracking and checking the ip addresses on the comments. She saw a pattern of the same ip addresses ( WHICH WAS MINE).She is now offering $100.00 to whoever provides her with the name of the person from that ip ( ITS ME). I contacted her and told her check my email I just sent and you will see its the ip address you are looking for. I want the money- thank you very much. She has noted at the top of her blog for me not to contact her any more and shows my ip address, which is the same one she states further down the page that she is looking for. Dumb or what?. She is insistent Its a women who wrote the obscene comment. It was me, REALLY IT WAS!!! and last time  I went pee clearly  I am not a women. She will not respond to me at all. Boy SHE CAN DISH IT BUT CANT TAKE IT.
I want my damn money. Mary you lied about giving the money to the person who provides the info you  want. You cheated me YOU COWARD
If you are afraid to meet me to give me the money, I will give you an option- Donate it to the Cumberland Rotary. If you hand it to the president yourself ( I know you have a "thing" for him)  I will retract this statement and apologize to you via the Cumberlander and this blog
Or are you really the COWARD and LIAR

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Alan Dejersey

Alan Dejersey is an honourable man. He is doing what is best for Union Bay as a whole, not for just on person - no names need mentioning do they Mary

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The "Original Version" that Mary can't edit to her needs

One of the nicest places to live in beautiful British Columbia is on Vancouver Island, particularly the Comox Valley and surrounding areas.  having so much to offer in recreation and pristine surroundings, I find myself drawn to the relaxed, peaceful nature of the people and places.  Union Bay is no different of that which the Comox Valley offers; close nit community, tranquil settings and an energy of warmth by the people who reside there.

Unfortunately your blog is not conducive to such as the norm that I express.  Albeit you're talented to some degree however, I find, for whatever reason, your devotion to slandering one of the trustees rather sad.  Couldn't you spend your time and efforts on a more positive subject?  I find it utterly amazing that of all the beautiful, amazing, wonderful things that this place has to offer, you write about your battle with an individual, who, as I understand it, is a loving, devoted family man who spends a great deal of his time performing community services.  Anyone reading the local newspaper can see that.

I'd like to ask you what it is exactly that you wish to achieve.

I would also like to add that on your very own blog you have a quote by a magnificent man, Mark Twain.  did you actually read the quote or just post it?  I don't suppose you'll post this, as that's the beauty I suppose of having you own blog, you get to rant all you want without the reciprocation of someone smarter than yourself.

No worries, I'm sure all three people who may happen upon your blog such as I did, won't bother about one person's crusade of ignorance.

Good luck in all your future endeavours, may the flow of good karma rest surely on your doorstep.  You may need it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mary Reynolds Union Bay

Mary Reynolds lives in Union Bay  B.C. She seems to have a problem with everything and everybody

Mary Reynolds Union Bay

Mary Mary Mary Mary You seem so bitter

What about Mary

Mary has a problem---- or two. when she post comments to her blog she changes them to suit her. I will be posting the original version soon so you can see